If you are a fan of peanut butter you need to try this,it’s full of that delicious creamy peanut butter taste. Peanuts are high in protein, as is tofu so this meal will keep you fuller for longer.
Feel free to use whichever veges you like and what’s in season. The broccoli works well as it’s good for soaking up that sauce. Use any type of peanut butter you have on hand, just try to stay clear of brands with added sugar. I just used smooth for this recipe. If you aren’t big on heat you can just use half a chilli or omit it completely (but personally I think the chilli really adds to it). On the contrary if you love heat go ahead and add more chilli. I like to use Ceres Organics coconut cream, it’s a bit better quality which means there is less water content and it doesn’t have that “tinny” taste that some other brands sometimes do. Other brands will work fine, it’s just my personal preference.
You’ll notice this makes a LOT of satay sauce. At first I thought oops I’ve screwed that up, but then I was like actually I really like sauce, especially satay so I’m just going to leave it as is. You could have this with rice, or cauliflower rice in the interest of lower carb, or be like me and just enjoy all the saucy goodness.
This sauce can be made for lots of different meals so go ahead and make up the sauce and then experiment with what you put it with.
Peanut butter and coconut cream are high in fat so be careful with that, this isn’t an everyday meal!
- Satay Sauce
- Slice carrot lengthways then into slices about 1/2cm wide. Put into a frying pan with a small amount of olive oil and cook on medium for about 2 mins.
- Cut the tofu into squares, about 1cm x 1cm. Add tofu pieces to pan and cook until browned, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking and to ensure an even cook.
- Set tofu aside with the veges.
- Turn heat on the pan down to medium-low. Finely chop the garlic and chilli and add to pan, fry for about 2 mins.
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